Tavola shared with Moana Fresh the similarities with entrepreneurial and motherhood challenges, drawing a conclusion that creative practice and entrepreneurship can be a form of Motherhood for Indigenous business owners like them. Maila from Moana Fresh agreed - there are different needs at different times.

Tears can also be a sign of strength, a sign of your love pouring out, especially when you are a kaupapa based enterprise. “Jim Viviare talked about being a midwife to a project and I realised I’d always repeated that,” Tavola says. “There’s this beautiful quote which he said at the curating pacific art forum about being a midwife to a project. Now I realise that actually I mother them - I am the mother not the midwife. It’s a nice idea that you can stand outside and be like aw baby is coming to this world? But I’m here like AAAAAAARGH, pushing!”