Tēnā Koutou katoa! Ko Ngaumutane Jones toku ingoa. Currently trading under "umu.creative" (previously known as MsMeemo)
Ko Kahungunu te Iwi. He pānga ano taku ki Kai Tahu, ki Rangitane, ki Tūhoe me Tainui.
I tipu ake au i raro i ngā tikanga me ngā kawa o Te Whakatōhea. Kei Ōpōtiki/Te Whakatōhea ahau e mahi ana, e noho ana hoki.
I whakapapa to Kahungunu, Kai Tahu, Rangitane, Tūhoe and Tainui. I have grown up and am currently living/working in Ōpōtiki/Te Whakatōhea which and who are very special to me.
I am a multidisciplinary artist. Heavily involved in digital spaces, visual storytelling and branding. Working with textiles has been a joy for me, to be able to bring some mahi back into the physical realm, to make it tangible and interactive.